🥥Bits of Cocoa


Open-source Swift network interface from Halcyon Mobile

Each day more and more people are connected to the world wide web. The more their number grows the demand for their apps to be connected to the internet is also increasing. At Halcyon Mobile, over the years, with the constant change in technology and frameworks, we’ve been continuously improving our architecture and network abstraction wasn’t an exception. We’ve been through many iterations and internal frameworks until we found a fitting and abstract solution....

View decoration in Swift

This article is for developers, iOS enthusiasts, and anyone who encountered the challenge of ensuring visual coherence in a mobile app. Let me explain. At times different types of elements in your mobile app have the same look and feel, right? They are coherent. Often, achieving the desired visual consistency, comes at a price: you end up writing many lines of repetitive code, wishing this wouldn’t make everything less maintainable and difficult to change if need be....

Diving Into Keychain Services

If you’ve ever built an iOS app, you’ve probably came across a situation when you had to store sensitive information on behalf of the user. For this, Apple’s Keychain Services is your guy. 🔒 Keychain Services has been part of Apple’s Security frameworks since the very first public version of iOS SDK (iOS 2.0). Unlike UserDefaults, Keychain gives you a secure way to store passwords, credit card information or even notes in an encrypted database....